In order to carry out our mandate we teach Biblically-based seminars. Below are the topics currently presented by Boyd Hopkins. Click on a seminar for more information on the topic.

Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness >

Spoken Word Ministries offers a seminar designed specifically to help you come to terms with what it means to forgive, what it looks like when you are living in unforgiveness, and how to accept forgiveness that is extended to you – all through the power of God’s Word and through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Finding and Following God’s Call >

Have you ever wondered, “What now?” It doesn’t matter whether you’ve just finished school or are heading into retirement, you have a call on your life. “For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:29) As long as you are alive, you have a calling and a purpose that you have been equipped for. What are you going to do about it?

Effective Prayer Ministry >

Prayer is one of the most vital tools we have as believers, and yet how often have you heard someone say, “I’ve been praying for so long and nothing has changed.” Others tell stories of amazing things happening through a prayer time. What is going on? How can we learn to pray effectively in order to see God’s hand in a person’s life?

Foundations for Dealing with the Demonic >

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was talking about when he taught us to pray, “deliver us from evil”? Does the thought of the supernatural being real frighten you? The Bible teaches us that “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear” and “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:18 & I John 4:4)

The Problem of Porn >

What constitutes pornography and why is it so prevalent in our society? Can we help others be free or gain freedom ourselves? Our relationships don’t have to be destroyed by it. God has provided a way to deal with the temptation. Come and learn from the teachings of Jesus as we explore how to walk the journey to freedom.

Biblical Sexuality in a Sexualized World >

Sex was designed by God, yet it seems this world would rather forget that. But everything in this world works best when used according to it’s creator’s intention – and sex is no exception! Let’s go back to “the manual” and see how sex is really meant to work!

Jesus Our Healer >

Jesus gave us a command to heal the sick and through the healing ministry of prayer we can follow His command. Sometimes our experiences might hold us back. But what if we chose to trust the Word of God and carry on praying for the sick while trusting God with the results?

Dealing With Temptation

This seminar is designed to help you understand what temptation really is and WHY you crave what you crave. It also teaches you how to let God be your strength in the struggle. You were not designed to fight temptation on your own. This teaching will change the way you deal with temptation forever. There is freedom to be had!

Moving Beyond Anger

Anger can be both emotional and spiritual. If your anger is harming your relationships and preventing you from enjoying life, it is time for change. In this FREE, one day workshop we implement practical strategies aimed at gaining freedom from anger and rage

For a list of upcoming seminar dates, please visit the Events page.

Interested in hosting a seminar? Let us know!