What did Jesus mean when he taught us to pray “deliver us from evil”?

Presented by Boyd Hopkins

Have you ever had a demonic encounter and been left fearful or confused afterward? Have you ever wondered what the Bible teaches on how to deal with demons or where deliverance is taught about in the Bible? Does the thought of the supernatural being real frighten you?

1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear”, and I John 4:4 says, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

>This seminar focuses on deeper surrender to Jesus; the key element to living in freedom from demonic powers. The greater the surrender, the greater the freedom. What are you waiting for?

This course is taught with several basic premises in mind. We emphasize that:

  • Dealing with the demonic is not about a focus on demons but is about a deeper focus on, and surrender to, Jesus Christ.
  • Dealing with the demonic is something that is still a reality in todays Church and society.
  • Dealing with the demonic is not a ministry to be separated from the rest of the Church but is one that can, and needs to be, integrated into the overall life of the Church.
  • We emphasize that for this ministry to be understood and effective, believers need a sure footing in their identity in Christ and must be convinced of the heart and purpose of God.
  • We emphasize that God’s purpose is to effectively equip the body of Christ for ministry that brings freedom from bondage according to Jesus’ words in Luke 4:18-20.

For a list of upcoming seminar dates, please visit the Events page.

Interested in hosting a seminar? Let us know!